Helping out at CLINIC
Many people have asked us about employment opportunities, possibilities for helping out, and career development. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST! <3
We are not currently hiring for any paid positions. We hope to come to a point where we have at least part-time help at the desk, but we are not there now.
If you are interested in developing a career in an alternative medicine field, and would like to assist with the work of a practitioner, you may contact practitioners you are interested in working with, directly. Please keep in mind that our practitioners are all solopreneurs, and if they were to spare their time to teach you about their field, they would need you to be dependable as well as helpful, in order to make their investment of time worthwhile.
If you have time and skills to contribute to our wellness community, and are willing and able to do that without pay, we would love to speak to you! While we can't pay, we can potentially provide some training, some treatments, letters of recommendation, etc. Things that would be useful to us include regular reception help, help with inventory, paperwork help, cleaning help, social media/ newsletter/ media help; if you have other skills that you think would be useful, please let us know.
If you are interested in helping us in one of these capacities, please email us.