New offering at CLINIC: Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Darlene is now offering a great new modality in conjunction with her massages!

Get to know Grace Hantzis, LMT
Grace loves to work with people’s mental and emotional well-being via massage.

An interview with Tamara Cornehlsen, LMT
Tamara shares more about her practice, herself, and what makes both tick!

Feet, fabric and fascia - Introducing Sarga Bodywork
Rebeca shares her latest offering: Sarga Bodywork, a style of massage that allows for barefoot massage on a table. If you have questions, here are the answers!

Feet First! Reflexology: what’s it all about?
Dana shares her newest passion in the healing arts: the magic of feet! (...and hands... and faces...)
Depression and Chinese medicine
Learn about the enormous resources Chinese medicine have to offer those experiencing depression
How will Integrative Acupressure help?
With the help of your Integrative Acupressurist, you can get in touch with tension in your body and unwind it.

What is ‘Reiki’?
Darlene just got certified in Reiki, which she’s adding to her massage offerings. Here, she shares what Reiki might have to offer her clients.

We still care about your safety, but we are suspending our mask requirement.
We are suspending the universal masking policy we’ve held since 2020, but we are still committed to keeping you safe

The Top 3 Essential Exercise Tips for People Living with Autoimmune Disease & Chronic Illness
Exercise can be complicated if you’re living with an ongoing or chronic issue— Andrea is here to help!

Meet Zia Sadeghian of Salt House Acupuncture!
Zia Sadeghian of Salt House Acupuncture tells us more about what makes them and their practice tick.

Bodywork for ALL bodies; help us raise up CLINIC’s accessibility ramp!
We need everyone to know: we are a place that values all people, and all bodies.

Big-picture health: diet
Dr Dunn offers some plain-language, easily ‘digestible’ ways to think about improving your health from the belly- out!

We are building a ramp to show love for all bodies.
el nyberg, LMT, contributes some moving words about how central the respect and care they have for all bodies is essential to their work, and to the community we aim to be.

Did you see this? A little something fun.
Tamara and Dana are quoted in this article by local author Megan Tady!

Better, but not enough: We need a ramp to provide the care our clients need
Rachel Condon of Northampton Community Acupuncture reflects on the efforts both NCA and CLINIC have made to achieve greater accessibility, why it matters that we finish the job, and what more needs to be done.

Big-picture health: exercise
Dr Maureen Dunn discusses the role exercise can play in a vibrant, healthy life.
Adaptogenics around us
Dana shares some of her herbal knowledge— in this blog post, adaptogenics!
Integrative Acupressure joins CLINIC!
Will shares his excitement about the power of acupressure!

Big-picture health: mindset
Maureen’s series about self-initiated wellness practices kicks off with this one, about adjusting your attitude for greater success.