Our modalities
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine
A whole- person medicine that can help with pain, digestion, sleep, emotions, and more
Relaxation and therapeutic massage
A range of hands-on treatments that can help with physical ailments and emotional calm
Gentle, light- or no-touch therapy that can resolve long-held physical and emotional patterns
Exploring who you are, what makes you tick, and how to best work with the gifts and challenges you were born with, based on the planets in the sky at the time you were born
Craniosacral Therapy
A gentle- touch treatment addressing the central nervous system
Integrative Acupressure
A form of bodywork based on Chinese medicine, good for the whole person
Psychiatric Nursing Services
Find clarity and support for your mental health
Sarga bodywork
A barefoot myofascial massage technique that uses the therapist’s feet to deliver deep relaxation and less restriction in your body
Thai massage
A clothed massage in which the client is stretched and moved to balance mind and body
Chair massage
An accessible massage form that allows for quick work in a short timeframe
Naturopathic medicine
A range of nature-based treatments for a wide range of diseases and disorders