New offering at CLINIC: Manual Lymphatic Drainage

By Darlene Labine, LMT

I am pleased to announce that I am now able to offer Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) at CLINIC. Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle technique developed to help circulate the flow of lymph throughout the lymphatic system. Lymph is a colorless fluid that clears out toxins from the blood and transports them to the kidneys & liver, which then eliminate the wastes from the body. Because the lymphatic system does not have its own pump, it relies on the surrounding muscle tissue to assist it. 

If it is not functioning properly, there can be a build up of fluid leading to swelling/ edema. MLD can act as an external pump to help move the fluid and ensure optimal health.

Anyone who wants to improve or maintain their immune system may benefit from MLD. Specific conditions that are recommended as part of a regular routine include: sinus issues, Bell’s palsy, Lyme disease, long or post COVID, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, swelling after surgery and chronic pain to name a few. Other reported side effects include more restful sleep, clearer skin, increased energy and improved mood. 

If you have a serious condition that involves any of the major organs, you may not be a good candidate for MLD because your body may not be able to handle the increased lymph load. Please ask me to clarify any questions. If you have swollen glands or green mucus coming from your nose, you should reschedule your appointment. 

During treatment, you do not need to undress but be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Drink 16oz of water before & after treatment.

If you are interested in experiencing MLD, I am temporarily offering a 15min Head, Neck & Face treatment for free with any massage. Make your appointment today!


Get to know Grace Hantzis, LMT