Make use of CLINIC’s

Community Wellness Fund

CLINIC is dedicated to the wellness of the community in Northampton and throughout the Valley. We aim to help all who come our way, seeking better health. For us, this involves dual missions: creating a space and systems that help practitioners focus on doing their best work, and create sustainable practices that will keep them growing and maturing as seasoned wellness providers; and, clearing away obstacles that might keep our clients from reaching their best selves.

We have created a Community Wellness Fund as part of this dual mission. One of the primary obstacles to treatment for clients is cost. At the same time, practitioners must charge fees that sustain themselves and their businesses in the long run. We hope that those who are able to give more will contribute to the Fund, so that those who are in need of our help can afford it. So many of our clients tell us how life-changing the work we do here is for them. We hope to be able to extend our reach to parts of our community that may not have had the resources to access this kind of life-changing work before.

We are excited to begin offering treatments to people at economic disadvantage, via our Community Wellness Fund. It is essential to us that we expand our reach to people who may not have previously been able to afford our services, while still keeping our practices sustainable in the long term. Though many of us have offered small discounts to people who needed them, in the past, there are many people for whom those discounts aren’t enough to be able to afford the treatments they need. This Fund, which will be filled by members of the community, will help bridge the gap between what potential clients can pay, and what practitioners need to take home.

This program may be for you if you feel that the prices for our treatments are out of your reach. You may be:

  • A person of color

  • A person with a disability

  • A single parent

  • Temporarily unemployed

  • On a fixed income

  • Eligible for SNAP, heating assistance, or other government programs

  • Or other…

HOW IT WORKS: If you are interested in making use of the Community Wellness Fund, you will first select your practitioner and contact them. These are the participating practitioners:

You can message the practitioner via our contact form, which is available here. Please note whom you are trying to reach!

Once you’ve contacted them, the practitioner will assess your request and their ability to make it work, and come up with a plan with you. The practitioner will look up where the Fund stands, and assess their ability to offer a discount. Our practitioners each have their own businesses, with their own cash flow considerations, so may or may not be able to make the accommodations necessary at all times. Practitioners are not assessing your need, they are only assessing their/ the Fund’s combined ability to meet it. If you say you need help, we will make every effort to help you.

In your email, please let your practitioner know what you can pay per session. Keep in mind that we are trying to keep the Fund full enough to serve many people’s needs; pay what you can, with a minimum of $20 per session. Once you have both agreed on a price that works for you, you can schedule your appointment and proceed to pay at your session, as with any session at CLINIC.

We look forward to helping you!